There are seven (7) Standing Committees and two (2) Ad Hoc Committee (Bylaws Committee and Reunion Committee). Committee project proposals must be approved by a majority vote of the current Executive Board. All monetary decisions for approval from the current Executive Board must be accompanied by appropriate budgets. All material expenditures of over a thousand dollars $1000 must be accompanied by a bidding process of minimum of three vendors or three pertinent quotes. At least one Co-Chair shall attend every executive board meeting.

The function of the Membership Committee:

Chairs: Beverly deAndrade-Waaldijk and Lorraine Croft-Farnell

  • Reach out to, encourage, and maintain the membership in the Association.
  • Plan and organize the Annual General Business meeting of the membership to be held in two weeks after the expiration of the prior fiscal year (April 1 to March 31).
  • Communicate the notice of time and place of meeting to members sixty (60) days prior to the Meeting.
  • Organize the Semi-Annual General Business Meeting shall be held in October.
  • Be responsible for the collection of annual dues.
  • Work with the Executive Board in revision of membership applications.
  • Maintain and make available a completed and updated list of all members-at-large.
  • Maintain a resource file of the members and their suggestions to the Association.
  • Work closely with the Fund Raising/Events, and Project Planning Committees.
  • Have Chairperson(s) of the Committee be responsible for full restitution of any returned checks and all applicable bank charges.


The function of the Project Planning Committee:

Chair: Denise Harris-Durant

  • Liaise with the Executive Board and appropriate governing bodies of St. Rose’s High School, the Principal of St. Rose’s High School, and all other groups involved in the implementation and completion of the project(s).
  • Based on the request for resources for projects research and submit a written proposal for projects that can be accomplished by the Association.
  • Prepare and submit periodic status reports of each project finances by the Association.
  • Have Chairperson(s) of the Committee be responsible for collecting fees and funds for any returned checks.



The function of the Fund Raising/Events Committee:

Chairs: Beverly deAndrade-Waaldijk and Ingrid Thomas-Clark

  • Identify and recommend activities, for raising funds.
  • Raise funds for projects and activities approved by the Executive Board.
  • Propose a calendar of events and fund raising initiatives for the fiscal year no later than sixty days after the start of that fiscal year.
  • Prepare a budget of all approved activities/events.
  • Prepare and present a final report of each fundraising activity to the Executive Board no later than thirty (30) days after the event.
  • Hand over all monies raised to the Treasurer and/or deposit in the association’s account no later than seven (7) business days after receipt.
  • Issue receipts for all monies disbursed and received.
  • Maintain accurate record-keeping of all financial transactions.
  • Be provided with float if necessary for activities/events. Have Chairperson(s) of the Committee be responsible for collecting fees and funds for any returned checks.


The function of the Communication and Public Relations Committee:

Chairs: Compton Grose and Lorraine Croft-Farnell

  • Communication Committee will be charged with the responsibility of maintaining the website and keeping the information current.
  • Act to enhance the public understanding of the role of the Association by written or other media.
  • Publish a newsletter of relevant information which will be reviewed by the Executive Board before circulation.
  • Responsible for the publication of the newsletter at least once a year.
  • Work closely with the Executive Board and Co-Chairs of all Committees.


The function of the Nominations/Election Committee:

  • Be composed of two (2) chairs appointed by the Executive Board to serve two (2) years. See Article VIII, (e) for eligibility requirements.
  • The members of the Nomination Committee are permitted to vote in the elections they are presiding over but cannot run for elective office.
  • Actively poll the Executive Board and active Members of the Association to publicize offices available, terms of office, and duties associated with each office.
  • Ascertain that individual candidates for office meet eligibility requirements, and inform them of their responsibility if elected. See Article VII (A).
  • Develop a slate of officers for election in a timely fashion such that elections may be held at the Annual General Meeting.
  • Present a report of nominations to the Active Members ten (10) days before the Annual General Meeting.
  • Prepare and distribute uniform election ballots to the financial membership and ensure confidentiality. Members and their status shall be determined by the Membership Committee.
  • Receive completed ballots.
  • Two representatives of the committee shall act as Election Officers. Give a complete report of the results of the elections to the General Membership. The report shall include the number of ballots given out, the number of ballots returned, the number of invalid ballots, etc. The Secretary shall inform all nominees and chapters by letters of the results of the vote.


The function of the Arbitration/Mediation Committee:

  • Consist of three (3) financial members selected by the Executive Board.
  • Present its findings and recommendations in writing to the Executive Board within one (1) month of hearing. See Article III (G).


The function of the Audit Committee:

  • Conduct a financial and compliance audit of the association every three years by performing a compliance examination to determine if the association is adhering to standards in accordance with the appropriate governing bodies.
  • Report their findings to the Executive Board.


The function of the Ad Hoc Committees:

  • Ad Hoc Committees such as By-Laws, Re-union, may be formed as needed.



Contact Us

And the badge that shows our motto
Shall be ever dear
And for God we’ll serve our neighbour
His own image here,
“Serviam” shall be our watchword,
Marching on we’ll sing
Battling against the pride of Satan
Serving Christ our King
Battling against the pride of Satan
Serving Christ our King


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